Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Please Help Mr. Vorn Pov - Appeal from Ven. Loun Sovath

សេចក្តីអំពាវនាវរៃអង្គាស ថវិការជួយព្យាបាល ជម្ងឺនិងជួយសង្រ្គោះ អាយុជីវិតរបស់ សកម្មជន អ្នកការពារសិទ្ធិ មនុស្ស គឺលោក វ៉ន ពៅ ដែលកំពុងត្រូវការជួយ ពីបងប្អូនដែល ជាអ្នកស្រលាញ់សុខសន្តិភាព និងយុត្តិធម៌ ក្នុងការចូលរួមជួយ ខ្មែរជួយខ្មែរ ខ្មែរសង្គ្រោះខ្មែរ ខ្មែរត្រូវតែសាមគ្គីគ្នា ហើយចេះជួយ សង្គ្រោះដល់គ្នា និងគ្នាក្នុងគ្រា មានអាសន្ន មានទុក្ខលំបាក ផ្សេងៗ ។ ទំនាក់មកអាត្មាភាពតាមទូរស័ព្ទលេខ 012 83 83 22 Skype : sovathloun, Email

For generous donors who would like contribute electronically, here is the info on bank accounts where you can send your donations care of Ven. Loun Sovath. Please email Ven. Loun Sovath about your donations.

Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Dear compatriots,

Pls help chip oin for this great hero. I will send $200 to him via Ven Sovath.

Anonymous said...

i will send 100,000,000. Dong from Hanoi, to help loun sovath traveling around the world for his personal causes.

Anonymous said...

11.04AM, no, you don't need to help. Give your dirty money to your master Hanoi.

Thanks but no thanks.

Anonymous said...

this monk is much better than hun shit tep monk eat and fuck Youn whore every night with ho dog minh

Anonymous said...

dear khmer patriot,
cambodia will elect a prime minister in this coming month of July. please instead of help this monk, help electing me to another term, and as promise i will evict all your land to my compatriot pple of chinese, whom my beauty chubby wife is related. please send your paycheck to: thanks to all and i will appreciate your donation no matter a penny or $1000,000US, i will honor your generosity.



Anonymous said...

Min Yul Haet Ah Vey M'nous tveu Laor Teuv Chea Mean Kruos??

Anonymous said...

4:25 PM
Baaed on I read and understood between good and bad are:
(1) Mr. Vorn Pov's sickness may be a result of his past Karma what he did in his past life toward others.

(2) Mr. Vorn Pov's sickness may be a test if he can hold on his suffering to pay off his past debt or he may run to side with evils (CPP). If he cannot hold on or cannot be patient, he will be tempted to side with evils like many before him did, such as the one who used to run "Sralanh Khmers" now sralanh CPP. etc., then his chance to build up his good deed will fall to stage 1 all over again.

In order to reach Heaven or Nirvana, each of us has to go through so many sufferings for countless or billion life, (sufferings from our own past Karma and sufferings from testing our minds and souls if we will pass this filtering or not: Khmer say "Chamranh".

This can help us to understand if we read/watch the history of Buddha Gotama who was almost fell into trap of his desire for his past beautiful mistresses or concubines (3 daughters of Mara) while he was meditating to reach the enlightenment. If he chose to be with those beautiful women he used to love when he was in his palace, he would never reach the enlightenment or he may face too many sufferings in his palace that full of deceitfulness, men and women were fighting to be king or queen, ...

Sufferings are from both of our past Karma and for us to build up our good Karma to our many next life to come.

We humans are all sufferings until we reach the high spiritual levels then sufferings can no longer touch us. Earth already has some people who already reached the high spiritual level, but not in Cambodia that for sure.

We can help by sending support and can help to pray for Mr. Vorn Pov.

Anonymous said...

នៅ​ពេល​នោះក្នុង​សាលា​ប្រជុំមាន​​បុរស​ម្នាក់ដែល​មាន​វិញ្ញាណល្អ​នៅ​ក្នុង​ខ្លួន ស្រែក​ឡើង​ថា៖ កក្តាន់! កក្តាន់!

Anonymous said...

For a great cause of the nation, for a great cause of the agent of change...let chip in for a great cause of our nation!

Anonymous said...

To the person who mocked Rev. Loun Savath! Please know that in spite of Yuon's economy robbing from Cambodia and Laos every day, Yuon money is still too cheap and below Khmers. $1.00 equals to 20940.00 Dong, and $1.00 equals to 3,999.78 Riels. So your One Billion Dongs is the same as a Penis or a Dick by definition of Americanism's Slang means you dont have money but either a dick or a pussy that you have, depends on your genre, Female or Male.

Anonymous said...

@10:56 PM

How the hell do you know that you had a past life and also you will have a future life, through your shit head reasoning?

កក្តាន់! កក្តាន់!

Anonymous said...

នៅ​ពេល​នោះក្នុង​សាលា​ប្រជុំមាន​​បុរស​ម្នាក់ដែល​មាន​វិញ្ញាណល្អ​នៅ​ក្នុង​ខ្លួន ស្រែក​ឡើង​ថា៖ កក្តាន់! កក្តាន់! កក្តាន់! កក្តាន់! កក្តាន់! កក្តាន់!

កក្តាន់! កក្តាន់!
កក្តាន់! កក្តាន់!
កក្តាន់! កក្តាន់!

បុរសម្នាក់នោះគឺ អាឆាប់ងាប 3:03 AM ហើយនិង 12:46 PM

ហា!! កក្តាន់! កក្តាន់! កក្តាន់! កក្តាន់! កក្តាន់! កក្តាន់!

Anonymous said...

12:46 PM You don't need to ask him or her, everyone including I can answer your irrational question.

If you believe in Buddhism, then do the search about Buddha Gotama bio, you will know after his enlightenment, Buddha said he remembered all his past countless lives. He built up his good deeds to finally become Buddha. He further said he was not the first Buddha nor he is the last Buddha, there were so many Buddhas before him, and there will a greatest coming as he called "Metreyya".

If you are Hindu, then search and learn about Hindu's beliefs in reincarnation.

If you are Christians or Jews,.. you will learn that they do not believe in reincarnation. But million people across the world, among the Christians and Jews,...have experienced about remembering their past lives. Not even that Christ himself incarnated from the mighty Light of universe which billions called God.

If you like and believe in Science, then you can be sure to read the Law Of Thermodynamics First Law of Thermodynamics, that Energy is neither created nor destroyed …. Many Russian, Japanese,.... Singaporean Scientists working hard to catch the souls through Video Camera, so to prove that soul is the same as energy that can transform or can be again incarnate or can posses into another human (baby) etc...

How those scientists did were they put the dying patient in a glass box with no air can escape, so the soul would be trapped inside and can be caught through video camera. The souls appeared as a blue ray light smoking floating away from the body and trapped inside the glass.

Not even that the Scientists even can communicate with the soul through EVP or EMF energy.

Conclusion: So before you bash others, please FEED yourself with some knowledge that you can easily search online, why billion people believed in reincarnation, Karma etc,.. You may appear behaving like Hun Sen's clan the way you bash people around, but one thing you seem to look better than Hun Sen (the uneducated and known as a low class trash man), for that you can write and can respond to others, although your languages are barbarian-like.

Anonymous said...

3:42 PM
This 3:03 AM/12:46 PM is just a one opinion against billion opinions.

She or he has feared of Buddhism' declining. Somehow this person does not understand that she/herself is not practicing Buddhism that is why the Buddhism is declining in most nations, except in Tibet.

True Buddhists must live their lives in peace and harmony.

They are free from being mad dogs, they are free from criticizing others, they are free from material things, they are free of desiring for fame, they help other poor who need, they don't wear gold or making money like Khmer monks this day, etc.. they only live their life full of spiritual with calmness & harmony.

Because of Khmers are fake Buddhists, that is why Buddhism is dying. This person bashing others is a fake Buddhist and is a self destructive being.

Btw: Monk Loun Savath is a Buddhist Khmer Monk, but he does not follow Buddha although he claimed that he does which he truly "lies". However, he uses his monk statue to help other Khmers who need a great help for a good cause. His missions are relying on outside supporters and most of them are Christians who made him famous as an activist.

Next monks will carry the same mission, thus Buddhism is declining. Because they are still attaching and desiring, they cannot follow Buddha.

Anonymous said...

today being a monk is making business. every ceremony or blessing, either in temple or in the house where they are invited, the monks received from $25 to $300 @ the time. and monks save it in own pocket, not even share or donate some to temple where they are living. but in their speach, monk invite followers to share or donate some of their fortune to temple, in food or money, but never talked about donate to the poor children beggers on the street. in other words monks are selfish, and the reason the buddism is in decline.

Anonymous said...

hey u can ask loun savath how mush has he saved ? before getting married a underage virgin girl in cambodia. he's building his cause and taking asvantage of it. i heard he came to france and collect over $10,000 EU. plus in montreal canada over $10,000 CAN. he's not only working for human cause, but also it personal cause. this is the monk in 21st century.

Anonymous said...

did u know monk masterbate and dream of young follower, once he decide to quit temple to become a civilian he will chase down the girl he has dream.

Anonymous said...

3:00 AM, 3:L06 AM, 3:10 AM,

How about you who fucked your own mother. It must be worse than the monk that you accused of doing something bad.
This monk Luon Savath is a true and brave Khmer patriot.
Stop opening your mouth hole and saying something that is not true about him (Luon Savath).

Anonymous said...

so u want luon savath fuck your mother? is it what u mean? that way u and your mom can go to heaven

kimhorn houy Toronto Canada. said...

After watching the video and many stories still can't understand how can't the UN, and world community leader forgot citizen attention in Cambodia. It's a real consequences ways how the Cambodian government rule by prime minister Hun Sen, dictatorship, Human live should respect and protect at all time as government parent must fine a real justice and prosecute to those who's committed all crimes.

Anonymous said...

Loun Savath, he better than supreme monks in Cambodia since he sacrifices a lot things, such as helps a lot of people who are had a problems with their lands issue. Also better than Tep Vong, shao Chanthol, chheng Bunchear those monks love power and money.

Anonymous said...

6:37 AM
You should not have born as human being.
Hyena would fit perfectly with your character.

Anonymous said...

អា6:37 AM! និងអា កក្តាន់! គឺពួកវា 100%​​​ ជា

យួនខាងជើង ដូចនេះពូជវាពុំបានយល់ថា​ ខ្មែរ

យើងមាន ព្រះពុទ្ធសាសន៏ ។

ពេលវេលាមិនជាយូរប៉ុន្មានទៀតឡើយ ទង្វើ

ដែលហៅថា កាប់យួន វាប្រាកដមានពុំខាន ។

Anonymous said...

ព្រះពុទ្ធសាសន៏ ?
សាសន៏ព្រះពុទ្ធ ?
ព្រះពុទ្ធជាសាសន៏ខ្មែរ ?

Anonymous said...

♣♣♣♣♣♣Did your has to a build for sum kmhss that da poor in srokyeung ready??Or all the dough that you also in demand by khmer just to keep yourself???If not,Look after O.S◘◘◘◘◘◘^^

vichea Thorn said...

Hun Sen, Should leave Cambodia with his family our concerned the Vietcong plan to poison or execute this dictator and washout their dirty secret deal about Kosh Trol,and many other things,

Anonymous said...

KI Média pourra disparaître un jour en emportant avec tous ces langages de colère, de haine et barbare !

lary meas long beach said...

Hi- Mr thorn, Hun Sen, criminal acted plan by the vietcong Hanoi.
If Hun sen death the next CPP. leader is Mr:Soun Sery ratha, the Viet cong knew excitedly how to plan this new political strategies that why KPPM, campaigned all over the country not goes to election.
this KPPM when to Vietnam many time since 1989-2005
this guy now campaigned breaking Khmer krom community independent movement we all should call everyone in the community tell them the real stories about Soun seryratha, even Hun Sen, want jail him but the big boss Hanoi thread Hunsen do not touch KPPM or is Sen Sen out before time.

Anonymous said...

Louk Sorng,Meul Sreysath,peak sbekgeung,chan sorndekdey pelrersirl,Theu arch korob yang meth thov???naksomthean,Monusschas..Chorrea,men chomngneu orth phthasssombaig...!!Theu meannakna raiy loy knong lok niss yok thov chouy knong prothess the?????Beu Hun Sen So bicth and useless heuy choss neak dortaiy vig thov rouch the???Kyoum ach thov rouch nov thacvika 100euro per month,Rehout dorlpel eylov kmean mr na borng hag orvey tholthesorss!!Is this love for khmer poor??Pardon me,Kompi thorprea minban chaingtha euy khmerss keng provag ning vongvok khmers kneaeng the menthe preaorng?????Sompous preaorng kyoumachass pitchea lngong nass!!!!☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

Anonymous said...

Somtouss preaorng...^^☺☺☺☺☺

Anonymous said...

ព្រះពុទ្ធសាសន៏ ?
សាសន៏ព្រះពុទ្ធ ?
ព្រះពុទ្ធជាសាសន៏ខ្មែរ ?

7:09 PM! តើយល់យ៉ាងណាដែរ​ ?

ព្រះពុទ្ធ ជា សាសនា​ ដែលខ្មែរនិយមនិងគោរព

ខ្មែរយើងមាន (សាសនាព្រះពុទ្ធ) 85%

ពេលវេលាមិនជាយូរប៉ុន្មានទៀតឡើយ ទង្វើ

ដែលហៅថា កាប់យួន វាប្រាកដមានពុំខាន ។

Anonymous said...

Beu yeu chea prea sorng lor menchemerke the,pi pross yeung min dengtha merke slabreros na mouy nak thang orsknea kor men merdeal!!douchness somcomchemerke lengpek proyataryokley!!!Theu arnamou keth morpironyeu????????g☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

Anonymous said...

Nov knong srokyeu thanngthe meanyeulorr kyom min deal keugnak meanna 1 thovthirgyeu yok moukthveuphdass somrab nak mouy sorss the dorpel borschnout naimknea deuorkea sonlekchnaith heuy throvka loy mokreyorkess theu somthe??KNONG COMPI PREA KNEA THE MONUSS CHOLMASIRTH!!eylove daimyeu lor..lokeuyke orss theu khmer ning mean ey theath ry ai loy mea the mnuss deusom youktov thveumean mnak aing theu somthe???Som kom vong vok naek dea min saov pakpraga pek vea barcam chrean...!♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣

Anonymous said...

Excuse my asking! What are you trying to say?

Anonymous said...

All Cambodian must be helping, protecting and standing for Cambodia no matter what political party you are involved. Hun Sen is not protecting Cambodia and Khmer people.

Why Khmer people should be suffering and loss of land by their own government to Vietcong? What kind of Prime Minister Hun Sen? Every country Prime Minister and President are working 16 hours a day to protecting land and people from foreigner encroachment and illegal immigration entering their border.

Hun Sen must be very scare of dying by Vietcong, he doesn't care about his motherland and people any more. His personal life is the top priority and forget about his country and his position.

Cambodia will be disappearing from the World map and the World history by Hun Sen dictatorship.

Anonymous said...

All those monks love to watch porn and drink beers at nite, not to mention masturbation and finger their own asses. Long Live Pi Anh hahahahah

Anonymous said...

11:44 AM
Khmers adopted Buddhism just about 800 years beginning in late 13th century. Buddhism is ព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនា or
សាសនាព្រះពុទ្ធ whatever we call, they are the same "Buddhism".

But if we really observe and learn very carefully, Khmers adopted "Buddhism" as a State religion, but Khmers did not abandon Brahmanism or Hinduism including practicing evil spirits.

The title "ព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនា or
សាសនាព្រះពុទ្ធ" is only just displaying on the Window shop, but inside the shop, Khmers are not Buddhists. Because Khmers have never practiced either only Hinduism or Buddhism.

* I have read so many about Buddhism and the rules that taught by Buddha Gotama, Buddha did not teach of Hell. There was no Hell according to Buddha's scripture only "sufferings", when he saw the "sick", "old age" and the "dead". When he saw "monk" he realized that was the way to end the sufferings.

However "monks" this day especially Khmer monks, are not practicing to end the sufferings but to build up more sufferings because their evil deeds.

I see among a million Khmer monks, there are less than 10 monks are good such as monk Rev. Loun Savath. He may not be following Buddha's 100% rules, but he is a good Khmer monk in term of helping the needy.

Don't blame Rev. Loun Savath for he has cell phone, or wearing sun glass, or traveling around, it is a 21th century and people communicate with each others through phone, travel through plane across the sea. People wear sun glass, or wear hat or clothes that made from material that can protect them from solar flare is nothing wrong.

It is the right thing to do to protect their bodies from being harm by high energy particles when explode in space.

This comes to the end of ព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនា or សាសនាព្រះពុទ្ធ or Buddhism in Cambodia is that Khmers are not real Buddhists but FAKE Buddhists.

Anonymous said...

9:00 PM

You CAN NEVER cease your insanity when comes to make comment in the public forum for people to read.

How much more time left for you to learn hos to be a decent human being before you drop dead?

If you're the one poster with a signature "Pi Anh", I don't mean to be so hostile toward you, but I have never seen you wrote anything that can be worth to read.

Anonymous said...

9:00 PM

You CAN NEVER cease your insanity when comes to make comment in the public forum for people to read.

How much more time left for you to learn how to be a decent human being before you drop dead?

If you're the one poster with a signature "Pi Anh", I don't mean to be so hostile toward you, but I have never seen you wrote anything that can be worth to read.

Anonymous said...

*Many Khmer Buddhists when come to curse others whom they hate, they curse them to go to HELL which in fact, Buddha did not teach of "Hell" but sufferings only.

*Jesus Christ teaches of "Hell" and "Heaven" (in the Book of Revelation".

*Buddha did not teach to put a sign "Cross" on the forehead of the sick child, but Khmer Buddhists always do by using ash and make a cross on the sick child's forehead.

* Jesus Christ is a Cross, a healer.

.. Khmer Buddhists are Fake Buddhists and are the confusing messing up souls.

They mixed their beliefs in one bowl like "Samlaw Kako".

Buddha was great Teacher like million Buddhas before him, and the same like many Buddhas after him. But Khmers did not follow Buddha's teachings.

If we all becoming Buddhas then this planet Earth will be saved.

Now it is our time to build our deeds for the future many lives to come to finish all of our Karma(s) so we will be all becoming Buddhas.

When we all becoming Buddhas, then we will live an eternal life (Nirvana or Heaven) with GOD, we will have no more sufferings, no old age no death.


Anonymous said...

Rev. Loun Savath is a very brave Khmer man. Help him to help Lok Vorn Pao. Please all Khmer Christians, Khmer Buddhists, Khmer Jews and all Khmers PLEASE Help him.

Jesus Christ teaches to love one another. Buddha teaches to help others, so please help our people.

Anonymous said...

You are good about Bushiam but not so right about Budhism.

If Khmer Krom do exactly like Budhist doctrine, they would not have existed right now.

In the past Khmer Krom monks used stone to throw at the vietcong on their head. Ajar -teacher- Hem Cheav, Ajar Pang Khath, Khiev Joum used the umbrella tip to hit and poke the French.

These educated monks broke the Budhist rule for the sake of Khmer freedom. And so does Monk Luon Savath.

In the Khmer world, it does not matter what you do, there are always people critize and blame you.

May be the Khmer should not do anything and let the viet do it and khmer just be their slave or dog because many Khmer act like they want that.

former monk.

Anonymous said...

3:00am & 3:06 am
if you are youn another problem .you can write and read some english but no brain . i believe today alot of book writing about buđdhism in english but not read and search

Anonymous said...

1107am your english make no sense, what's u meant exacly ? r u from cambodia or french fried?

Anonymous said...

នៅ​ពេល​នោះក្នុង​សាលា​ប្រជុំមាន​​បុរស​ម្នាក់ដែល​មាន​វិញ្ញាណល្អ​នៅ​ក្នុង​ខ្លួន ស្រែក​ឡើង​ថា៖ កក្តាន់! កក្តាន់!

Anonymous said...

KI accepts all kind and all type of people to make their comments. Some posters are very educated and very intelligent based on their obvious rationalizing, and some are the opposite. Not only they are not educated but at the same time they are too irrational and it will be too difficult to make them learn.

Anonymous said...

Be careful Folks!

Buddhism does not teach "Hell". Buddhas did NOT teach about "Hell". All Indian Buddhas taught to get rid of "Sufferings" to attain NIRVANA but no HELL.

Preah Jesus CHRIST taught of heaven and Hell.

Dont get mixed up if you embrace Indian ( Buddhism), then No Hell, but reborn again and again and sufferings and sufferings intil you become Buddha, then sufferings no more.

And if you embrace Israel (Jews Christianity) then Hell and Heaven you need to know. It was shown in vision by Christ to the last and youngest disciple named John in the book of Revalation

Anonymous said...

ឪអា9:06PM ឈ្មោះ អា កក្តាន់

ឯម៉ែរបស់វាគឺ​ ឈ្មោះ មី​ ចក្តាប់


Anonymous said...

Hi former monk,
So you admitted that Khmer monks who broke Buddha's rule to fight Yuon is OK.

No it is not OK, because breaking Buddha's rules means you are no longer following him. Why staying monks and why not becoming regular citizens and fight Yuon?

OK it is good that you are no longer monk, but how about Rev. Loun Savath? In the history
of Indian-Nepal Buddha engaged no politics, no activism, nothing beside preaching one way to Nirvana. He turned away when his royal family members and the government begged him for helps while his people were massacred in cold blood. It was shown on TV via PBS about the last Buddha Gotama.

Anonymous said...

I embrace one way ticket to Mars (Red Planet) in 2018.
I sent my application to NASA, and I have not yet heard anything. I am among about half million candidates who applied, and only FOUR people will be selected.

I am too sick and too tired with the people on earth, especially dealing with my half stupid Khmer blood in me.

It is CURSE to be born Khmer even just mixed with one drop of Khmer blood.

I cannot wash it out that Cursing Khmer blood out of me, so I wish I will be chosen to Mars and never see or hear about that cursing Khmers again.

Anonymous said...

4:56 AM..Maybe that is why the Nepalese country is just a ashes?

Anonymous said...

Long Live Viet NAm and Hun Sen and CPP.... You have no luck or chance you useless khmer will all dies and Hun Sen and CPP all their family will be the governor of Cambodia and Cambodia will soon be the New province to Viet Nam ...

Long Live Viet Nam... good work Hun Sen and all the CPP... and good work for sending all your sons and daughter to secretly study in Viet Nam....

Anonymous said...

5:19 AM I can top that. Additionally, NOT only Khmer blood I don't want to have in me, most South East Asian people, such as VietKong (or Yuon), Thai (or Siem), Lao, Indonesian, Malaysian, people of Brunei, Chinese, and Burmese I would not want to mix in my blood either.

The people of these dumb nations are below dirt, and the bottom ones are Yuon and Khmers.

Anonymous said...

5:45 AM
Nepal and India like Laos and Thailand. They are majority Hindu not Buddhists. However, the Nepalese and Indian respect all Buddhas as teachers not gods. Ever body will becoming Buddhas, so this earth can becoming a heavenly planet, with peace and harmony.

Respecting and following the teachers (Buddhas) are the right thing to do, but worshiping Buddhas like worshiping God is WRONG. Buddhas are not objects to be worshiping.

Monk Loun Savath has a lot of compassion toward his countrymen, and as a Khmer citizen, he is a role model, but he is WRONG for wearing Buddha' clothes to make himself famous honored him and by the Christians. This monk clothes he wears helps him to make money and famous.

If Khmer monks broke Buddha's rules, then why are they still monks? What for?

One million Buddhist monks are healthy and have easy life with free meal and free money from others who work hard.

Are these monks going to Nirvana or reborn again as monk-ies?

I don't mean to disrespect but being Khmer monks are nothing but leaches.

Monk Loun Savath claimed he will be monk for ever. Oh yeah? If he wants to be monk for ever, then why does he run to the Christian countries for fame and for money?

He cannot be famous if the powerful Christian nations did not acknowledge him.

What a HYPOCRITE?????

The only good monks are monks in Tibet, but definitely not Khmer Monks.

Anonymous said...

The force is in the penis.

Anonymous said...

Ven. Luon Savath should also set up PayPal Account...

Anonymous said...

Dear patriots,

Please take look to Pouk Ah Tmil Ort Sas Sna in this blog. Who are they? Pouk Ah Kagn Chas Ah Sror Keuy Hanoi.

Anonymous said...

5:50 AM
Are you telling readers that you are having "Sas Sna". What Sassna are you with? Read your sick comment? Yes your Sassna is "Thmil Hun Sen's Sassna". Don't wear Buddhist Label, but "Thmil" like Hun Sen and his CPP.

Cursing other posters as they are "Thmils" and further calling them "Pourk Ah..." does not sound a person with Sassna, but "Peal or Thmil Bat Psar".

You should read their comments and THINK and Analyze instead of DENYING the Facts, that Khmer Buddhists destroyed Khmer Empire now destroyed a little land Khmers have left.

You are too brainwashed and too far behind the wheel.
You cannot be civilized just like Neak Lenh Hun Sen and CPP' members. You cannot reason just like them. Who are you anyway? The same Hun Sen's people from Hun Sen Nation called "Neak Lenh Bat Psar".

Who are they? They far above beyond your reach while you are at the bottom cursing.

You are too irrational and we bet that you know only one thing is cursing.

Anonymous said...

In Hun Sen Nation, his people are purely good with cursing and insulting others. Hun Sen' people cannot use civilized terms.

It does not matter these people deny that they hate Hun Sen, they are his people, because they speak the same uncivilized languages.

This 5:50 AM is truly Hun Sen's people from Hun Sen Nation.

Anonymous said...

4:48 AM
Monk Loun Savath must be careful whatever he wants to do. He will soon be accused of soliciting money while as a Buddhist monk.

It is good he uses his celebrity of being known as a champion against the tyrants, but he has to be cautious for what he has tried to do.

Anonymous said...

5:50 AM
Can you at least try to learn to be a little civilized person? We Khmers have a very bad reputation of being low class and being Barbarians.

Don't prove the world that Khmers talk trash like Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

5:50 AM
I think you meant to call your people as "My fellow countrymen/women", then you should have said "Dear Compatriots" not "Dear Patriots".

Anonymous said...

12:26 PM. We Khmer are not barbarians. Only Hun Sen the Vietnamese dog talks like a ganster.

The Siam thieves are barbaric, twisting wrong into rights, claiming ours as theirs.

On the other hand, the evil Youn are laughing at us Khmer after killing 3 million souls.

So who are barbarics?