Friday, June 21, 2013

អាជ្ញាធរខ្មែរកំពុងតាមចាប់ខ្លួនលោក អៀ ចាន់ណា សកម្មជនព្រំដែន

ដោយៈ ឆាំ ឆានី ១៩ មិថុនា ២០១៣
លោក អៀ ចាន់ណា សកម្មជនព្រំដែន និងជាអុ្នកវិភាគនយោបាយរបស់វិទ្យុខ្មែរប៉ុស្តិ៍ បានធ្វើដំណើរទៅ​ភ្នំពេញ កាលពីថ្ងៃទី ១៨ មិថុនា ២០១៣ ។ លោកបានសំរាកនៅទីក្រុងភ្នំពេញមួយយប់ ព្រឹកថ្ងៃទី ១៩ ខែមិថុនា ២០១៣ លោកបានបន្តរដំណើរទៅស្រុកកំណើតរបស់លោក នៅភូមិជើងគួន ឃុំជើងគួន ស្រុកសំរោង ខេត្តតាកែវ ។ ក្នុងដំណើរទៅកាន់ភូមិកំណើតដើម្បីជួប
ជុំគ្រួសារ​លោក អៀ ចាន់ណា ត្រូវបានអាជ្ញាធរក្រុងភ្នំពេញមានប៉ូលីស ទាហ៊ាន ជាង៥០​នាក់ តាមឃ្លាំមើល និងពទ្ធ័ចាប់ខ្លួនដល់លំនៅឋាន ។ តែការព្យារបស់អាជ្ញាធរ ត្រូវខកខាន ដោយមានកិច្ចអន្តរាគមន៍ពីស្ថាបន័ទួត និងអង្គការសង្គមស៊ីវីល ព្រមទាំងប្រជាពលរដ្ឋជាអ្នក​ជួយការពារលោក អៀ ចាន់ណា ផងដែរ ។ 
សូមបញ្ជាក់ថា លោក អៀ ចាន់ណា ជាថ្នាក់ដឹកនាំម្នាក់ក្នុងចំណោមមេ​ដឹកនាំក្រុមប្រឹក្សា​ឃ្លំាមើល​កម្ពុជា ដែលត្រូវរដ្ឋាភិបាលក្រុងភ្នំពេញ តាមចាប់ខ្លួនកាលពីឆ្នាំ២០០៥ ព្រោះតែប្រឆាំងនិងការ​ចុះហត្ថលេខាលើសន្ធិសញ្ញាបំពេញបន្ថែម ដែលក្រុមប្រឹក្សាឃ្លាំមើលកម្ពុជាយល់ថា សន្ធិសញ្ញា​បំពេញបន្ថែម នេះបានធ្វើឲ្យខ្មែរបាត់បង់ទឹកដី។
 ពេលនេះលោក អៀ ចាន់ណា កំពុងស្នាក់នៅកន្លែងមានសុវត្ថិភាព ៕
លោក អៀ ចាន់ណា


Anonymous said...

វាគ្រាន់តែឆាកល្ខោន ប្រឌិតក្លែងក្លាយ ឬ ក៏ជាសាច់

Anonymous said...

អៀ ចាន់ណា ពិតជាត្រូវបានគេប៉ងមែន ព្រោះគាត់ជាក្រុមថ្នាក់ដឹកនាំតស៊ូមតិបញ្ហាព្រុំដែន។


សូមបងប្អូនជួយលើកបញ្ហាជាតិ និងព្រុំដែនក្នុង facebook ឲ្យបានកុះករផង។ អរគុណ។

Anonymous said...

អៀ ចាន់ណា ចេញមកពីប្រភពណា? មុខនាទី ជាក្រុមថ្នាក់ដឹកនាំតស៊ូមតិបញ្ហាព្រំដែន ចាត់តាំង

Anonymous said...

Those crooks will never leave khmer educated ones alone. They are very good at lying, decieving and manipulation. They love to create one problem after another. They've this before, they will continue to do it again and again. Hun Sen is being used to do this dirty work for them. Hun Sen needs to go, because we khmers don't need traitor like you to rule our nation, no more! OK, because enough is enough!.

Everyone in this world already knows about your evil actions against our khmer people and we will not tolerate your behaviour no more, OK! So, just leave our khmer educated ones alone for once, because isn't 3 million death enough already? We are sick and tired of your evil tricks and so, we just want you and your crook party to piss off once and for all OK!. Damn you Hun Sen!

Anonymous said...

This puppet regime got so crazy now.
This Hun Shit is not a human, he is just a tool for Vietnam to use to suppress Khmer people.

How much more patience do Khmer people have with this Yuon's slave Hun Shit?

It is so painful to see our motherland slowly disappearing from this world because of this devil Hun Shit..

Anonymous said...

1:09PM Enough is Enough! You Said That!
What that enough means to me is that enough for you to bark behind the keyboard, fake hero you just another chicken.

Anonymous said...

1:11 PM Just Painful won't do a shit! if you are just behind a keyboard like 1:09 PM, you guys already had a good stamina of patience and HS loves that so he can do whatever he wants.

Anonymous said...

CPP ist Viet's party, trhat is why they want to destroy the real Khmer. Why all Khmer aloow they to do like this? WAKE UP, THIS TIME IS NOT LIKE THE KILLING FILEDS AT ALL AND THE WORLD IS SEEING EVERY DAY, GO TO HELL THE CPP UNDER HUN NAL ALS VIET DOG.

Anonymous said...

How about you lead the way?
There are so many ways that we have to fight with your race Ah Kantorb.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1:31 PM
Keep taking your mental pills.

Anonymous said...

2:05pm you are a fk VC shithead, hahahaha

Anonymous said...

ah channa should be kept in jail for the rest of his life. bcus this idiot think he is a smart person but in reality he is an idiot. don't know any thing just bark like a blind dog. he even bark at his own tail. not just that this claimed to be a well educated person had no education, I knew this guy and ah sovannara these two monkeys jump from tree to tree to find their interest now they see the cnrp is their big tree and they think that they be profit from this that why these two monkeys jumped on to the cnrp tree. Idiot will come out as idiot. ah channa and ah sovannara both of them will realize that cnrp only use them to bark for the cnrp and to find some monetary support for them after the election these two monkeys (opportunist) will sit in the leaveless tree. YOU WILL GO DOWN AH CHANNA AND AH SOVANNARA, YOU BOTH SHOULD STOP LYING AND BARKING.



Anonymous said...

គួរតែឈប់ជឿអ្នកនយោបាយខ្មែរ ជានយោបាយបោកប្រាស់ខ្មែរគ្នាឯង ក្រុមណាក៏ដូចក្រុមណាដែរ ធ្វើនយោបាយូរៗទៅ យួនយកស្រុក
ជិតអស់ មានតែកម្លាំងពលរដ្ឋខ្មែររួមគ្នា ដែលធ្លាប់មានការឈឺចាប់ ត្រូវពួកអាយ៉ងយួនធ្វើបាប ក្រោកឈរទាំងអស់គ្នាឡើង......។

Anonymous said...

6:47 PM
That is Ah Yuon's propaganda, that is your evil race.
There is so much difference between a 7th grader leader and a Dr. Es Sci. Eco. leader.

Ah Suon Oth Serey Ratha's father or you can call me Euv Ah Leukeu.

Anonymous said...

*** គួរឈប់ជឿអាឃាតករខ្មែរយួននយោបាយបោក
អៀ ចាន់ណា ឆ្កែបំរើយួនយៀកកុងមួយនេះទៅ។

*** អានេះអៀ ចាន់ណានេះជាតួល្ខោនសង្រ្កោះយួន!

ដែលអាយ៉ងយួនហ៊ុន សែនបានរៀបចំ កលល្បិច-យ៉ាងយូរ ទុកសំរាប់សម្លាប់ខ្មែរ។

Anonymous said...

Chhkae Cpp or chhkae Yuon? Which one are you? You are barkin' all the time from PA? I'll find you soon and ask you what's proof that you have to say shit behind your keyboard? You are living in the Philadelphia right? Ah chum koud ?

Where is it? Old York road?

Anonymous said...

តើពេលណាទើបអ្នកនយោបាយខ្មែរជំនាន់ក្រោយ ឈប់ចាញ់បោកយួនតទៅទៀត តើពេលណាទើបគេមើលឃើញគ្រោះថ្នាក់ជាតិខ្មែរ
ក្រោយពីការបោះឆ្នោត តើយើងជាខ្មែរនឹងធ្វើអ្វីទៀត នឹងទប់ទល់ការបង្ហូរចូលជនជាតិយួនមកស្រុកខ្មែរ តើខ្មែរហ៊ានធ្វើបដីវត្តន៏ដែរឬទេ។

Anonymous said...

ស្អីគេដែរអាយួន 1:49 PM

Anonymous said...

9:28 pm you are so stupid that why your leaders recruited you. Pa is a big state and you think all Khmer from old York road? what an idiot even if you find me you don't have the gut to ask for any prove bcus you such an idiot you only bark like those idiot with you. and you shut your mouth idiot.

Anonymous said...

MEACH SOVANNARA is a cheater .
Why dont you tell all khmer people that you going to be member of CRPN.
you hide your face to collect money for your own position .
ashamed yourself ....

Anonymous said...

CPP don't let this dick idiot face escape the justice. He's not welcome in Cambodia. CPP find him and put him in KOK Preysor for the rest of his life. He's a dump politician wanted to be. Long live CPP.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry stupid foe i'll find you in philly one day and cut your dick off feed it to your wife! You are barking on the wrong territory mother fffff congchor of Yuon/Cpp! Ah pler!

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for him, if they are really after him, But I thin Channa and Meas Savanara are opportunist people. They are trying to get close to the leaders of CNRP to better luck their own future. Never hear both of their names when SRP/HRP wasn't strong.

Anonymous said...

CHANNA's small pieces of shit. his idea and understand can not compare with the farmers in Cambodia. Khmer Soth, USA

Anonymous said...

11:53, PM 1:33, AM 12:28 AM

Your job is to clean Kdor Ah Leukeu uneducated Hun Sen.

Meach Sovannara, Sisowath Thomico, Ir Channa are 3 Khmer patriots who made wise decision to join the Khmer Nationalists party (CNRP).

Don't forget to take your brain medicine as prescribed.

I don't think that you are Khmer because Khmer people would respect Khmers who dedicate their life to serve Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

អៀ ចាន់ណា អើយ!អៀ ចាន់ណា !
បើដឹងថាខ្លួនមានបញ្ហាជាមួយអា​ហ៊ុន សែន
អីក៏ភ្លើម៉្លេះ ?​​​ ហាស!​ ហា!!
ចង់យក ក ខ្លួនឯង ទៅ លរ អន្ទាក់ ឬ ?

Anonymous said...

ឆ្កែបំរើ ហ៊ុនសែន ខ្ញុំកញ្ជះយួនកន្ទប មករស់នៅរដ្ឋ
PA សហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក បានប៉ុន្មានឆ្នំហើយ បានជា
នៅមិនទាន់ជ្រះក្អែលជាឆ្កែបំរើនៅឡើយ ?បាននៅ
តែព្រូស​មិនដឹងខ្យល់អ្វីទាំងអស់បែនហ្នឹង ? ។ ហាមាត់ឡើងដៀលគេ ដៀលឯងថាល្ងង់ ថាគ្មាន
សមត្តភាពអ្វីទាំងអស់ហ្នឹង សួរថា តើពួកមេចោរ
មេឃាតករបាតដៃប្រឡាក់ឈាមគណៈបក្ស CPP
ដែលកើតចេញពីយួនកន្ទបកុម្មុយនិស្ត​នោះ មាន
សមត្តភាព មានការចេះដឹងដល់ណាដែរ ? ។​​ ពួកកាន់អំណាចកំពូល​ៗសព្វថ្ងៃនេះ សុទ្ធតែធ្លាប់
ជាក្រុមគ្រួសារចោរ ក្មេងវត្ត ក្មេងឃ្វាលគោ ក្មេង
បាតផ្សារ គ្មានបានរៀនសូត្រអ្វីទាំងអស់ ។ យ៉ាង
ខ្ពស់បំផុតត្រឹមថ្នាក់ទី៥បឋមសិក្សាប៉ុណ្ណោះ មាន
អ្នកខ្លះ កាលលយួនលើកបន្តុបធ្វើធំភ្លាម អាន
អក្សរជាតិខ្លួនមិនទាំងដាច់ផង​ កុំថាឡើយ អក្សរ
និង ភាសាបរទេស ។ ទើបតែថ្មី ៗ នេះ ស្រាប់តែ
នាំទៅទិញសញ្ញាប័ត្រ PhD​​​ ដែលគេតែងតែហៅ
ថាៈ PhDជជុះ PhDក្រៅសាលា PhDអត់សា
លា ឬ PhDដប់មួយម៉ោង ។ល។ មិនចេះខ្មាស់
គេសោះ ។​

ចុះបើពួកចៅហ្វាយវាអន់ដល់ម្លឹងទៅហើយ តើឆ្កែ
បំរើនៅរដ្ឋ PA​ វាអន់ដល់កម្រិតណាទៅ ? តែ
បែជាព្រូស​ដៀលគេដៀឯងទៅវិញ ។​​ នេះប្រ
ហែលជាដើម្បីបាយបីពេលក៏មិនដឹង ព្រោះបើមិន
ខំព្រូសទេ មុខតែអត់បាយ ក្រៀមក្រពះស្លាប់ចោល
ឆ្អឹងនៅស្រុកគេមិនខាន គួរអនិច្ចារណាស់ ។ ​​

Anonymous said...

jail Ea channa so Shit Phila can take over Cambodia- go back to where you came from BooShit Viet's dog, Shit Phila.

Anonymous said...

I think all this PROBLEM is START with Stupid KING. when the Khmer people VOTE for his stupid son too. if he don't let hun sen stay in POWER it should be done not until now let HUN SEN DO ANYTHINGS HE WANT.

Anonymous said...

arrest this dick head and feed him to the gators!!!long live Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

Let our Khmer police men pee on his dumb face. Get him when he return to the airport, make sure he'll not become a fugitive like his master fugitive criminal Raincy.

Anonymous said...

3:22am I am not ass kisser like you. I live here all my life in case you wanna know. I am not ah sokha or ah rainsy slave like you. and I eat when ever I want to. not like you go around with a running fugitive and starving all the time before people give you food to eat. what a sorry ass like have. all your life you will be a loser like those leader of yours. you I have the gut to tell all of you my name and where I live I am not a coward like all of you. I don't live in fear. I live freely.

sith phila,pa

Anonymous said...

Never surrender to AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave and the Vietcong master!

The Vietcong slave and the Vietcong master will resist but they will never win...

Anonymous said...

7 = គ្រាប់អំពិលសំផឹងយួន

Anonymous said...

How many true Khmer patriots a round here. I see the way you guy are killing each other already. Vietnam just wait and watching you guy killing each other and than take over the COUNTRY.REMEMBER ONE CHOP STICK IS EASY TO BREAK BUT BUNCH OF CHOP STICKS NOT SO EASY. don't be FOOL by HUN SEN let him fool by himself. he is Vietnam PUPPET. we all need to STAND TOGETHER AND FIGHT VIETCONG.

Anonymous said...

7:49 AM. AH chkae Youn, if you are looking for your family, they are in Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

7:49 AM, ah kdoh me phor, that's not your real friggin' name!

Anonymous said...

Let Cambodia to have peace and prosperity has never been in Vietnam's dictionary.

Vietnam needs to create social turbulence in Cambodia: through war, impose unjust law, destroy Khmer natural resource, demand a big chunk of land concession, border’s encroachment, apply economic marginalization, push Khmer people to live further and further from the cities, and suppress any Cambodians who dare to resist Vietnam indirect rule - Vietnam has been using Hun Sen to accomplish all of its goals in Cambodia

So, Vietnam and its puppet "tool" must sabotage at all cost to keep the CNRP from winning this upcoming election and deny Cambodia to have a well educated Sam Rainsy as Prime Minister.

But time has evolved sharply in the last 2 decades, favoring the victims worldwide.

There is help but we must help ourselves first.

The International Criminal Court (ICC), which officially started its function in 2003, would deter and prosecute the oppressors.

If the 1997 coup d'Etat reoccurs in 2013 or 2014 in Cambodia, the leaders of the new coup d'Etat will be surely prosecuted by the ICC.

If Vietnam initiates a fake civil war in Cambodia, Vietnam won’t survive a massive economic sanction from the powerful countries. That’s why Khmer people must not give up their noble struggle to save our motherland. We will survive at last and we will expose Vietnam’s criminals acts against Khmer people to the world. Otherwise, Vietnam will keep interfering, dominating, and absorbing Cambodia as part of Vietnam.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

12:01 PM. You are right, Vietnamese economic can collapse at any minutes, because of their failing policy. Unlike China, a powerhouse country, Vietnam is like a stick insect that tries to blend in as a tree.

With the continuation of human rights abuse inside of Vietnam, and the descrimmination against the native habitats, Vietnam is playing itself into a dead end.

To destroy Vietnam, Cambodia needs to be free, then we will see the domino play itself against the evil Vietnamese.

Anonymous said...

Shit Phalla is the Khmer destroyers,this man worth of shit his last name equal. There are too many of this youn son of the bith are waiting to destroy us ,there a lot of work that CNRP need to dig out from the rat holes after they win the election,Khmers people must keep your chin up and never ever forget the traitor like Shit Philla the Vietcong under cover agent. Together real Democratic Party will win

Anonymous said...

No sith Philla pa that traitor name and State.
Sith is the youn agent sent out to spy Cambodian community and send out information to Phnom Penh ,how disguise this son of the bitch works?if ah kwak so good why don't this son of the bitch just stay and lick kdor ah Hun Sen in Cambodia instead? I get frustrated that I NS forget to screen the communist killer to reside in the States close to our good refugees .

Anonymous said...

VC, Chinese and CPP traitor crooks continue to control srok khmers until we are doomed. Soon, Hun Sen will yell out, ah 'crocodile' just like all of our predecessors did. They are very good at lying, decieving and manipulating. Now they are trying to make Hun Sen to fight against his own people just like they did before and they will continue to do it again and again. They are evils of the Southeast Asia.

The world will be at peace, unless, both VC and Chinese crooks are out of their existence, because they are full of shit. They don't have social democracy at all. They are dictators! I suggest every nation should join together to eliminate those two nations out of their existence for good or else, the world will not be at peace, simple as that.

Anonymous said...

2:36 and 2:48 in case you guy don't know I am not a criminal like you guy. I don't live in fear of a coward like you. the main thing I don't support a criminal like all of you. look hear if they investigate they should do to you, bcus you are a criminal like your leaders. ah rainsy, ah sovannara ,ah sokha, and last ah channa all of these people in your group are criminal, you are so right I am stupid bcus I have the brain that tell me don't associate with criminal. However, you are smart but dump in a way bcus you get your ass in hot spot and dealing with criminals now who is being investigated you tell me smart ass. and for your information you and your leaders only win in the internet or facebook but in real life you are ALL LOSERZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


Anonymous said...


4:27 PM
you are a fk youn dog eater and your nation have innocent khmers blood in your hands but 'justice will be done on earth and in heaven' so, be prepared for your doom's day is coming, shithead. You youn dog eater are worst than animals. Your nation is full of shit and now, at least everyone in this world knows and how do you feel about that? haha shit-head!

Anonymous said...

Keep on barking congchor du ma Hanoi you'll get what you are asking for! Also i like to cut your kdor off and feed to my blue pitbul so the Dr in philly can't attach it back.Keep on barking you'll one day be dickless .Message for ah shit phila

Anonymous said...

8:05 pm there are a lot of pussies why you wanna eat my dick. only guy dude like you do that. sorry I don't let idiot like you come near me. you do it with your pibul ok you dog fucker. hahahahahah

Anonymous said...

កណ្ដួយម៉ែអា 7! អាមេចោរ!

Anonymous said...

Just ignor this guy seven makara kid [Shit phila] because his parents owed Hanoi gratitude thatwise he is blinded and he was putting here to break Khmer's unity.The more you talk with him the less smart you are!

Seven makara people were kbal Yuon kloun chhkae, one day will be fish's foods in Maekong River again.After Yuon colonized all Nambodia ah shit phila will be jail in Hanoi just like Penn Savann.Hanoi used him because he is useful idiot good for nothing ,

Anonymous said...

អាណាគេឲ្យ ប្រាក់ខែ​ អាយួនអៀ ចាន់ណា
សំរាប់ ធ្វើការ(ក្រុមប្រឹក្សាឃ្លាំមើលម៉ែវា)ហ្នឹង?


Anonymous said...

Keep on barking congchor du ma Hanoi's thug,you'll be dickless one day my blue pitbul will eats you alive.Du ma gook's offspring talks nonsense,you're dickless congchor when i know who you really are.Message for shit philla congchor Yuon/cpp's mole!

Anonymous said...

I am just wondering who is paying for Mr. Channa to fly around with the leader of the CNRP to other countries? does he pay his own way or someone is supporting him?

Anonymous said...


4:27 PM

Ah CHHKUOT, how many people in this website agreed with your DUMB-ASS communist ideology except yourself?
You're so CHHKUOT like your DUMB-ASS leader Ah Chhkuot Hun Shit.

Re. election, you claimed that only your DUMB-ASS leader is capable of running as PM for Cambodia, nobody eles and talking SHIT toward opposition party too. Also, your DUMB-ASS leader said there will CHAOS or WAR if lawless CPP party lost this coming election. I wonder what is the purposes of having an election anyway if all this problems is still in your communist mindset?

Maybe an election is only to show the world for more money, but in reality, lawless CPP is still hungry for MONEY & POWER?

"What a SHAME" Dome kong chor VIETCONG

Anonymous said...

To Bun Thoeun 12:01 PM,

You are a wise poster. Keep doing the good posting so that other Khmers can share your wisdom and use it for the benefits of our beloved motherland Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

គាត់ចង់ល្បីត្រូវអោយ ហ៊ុន សែន តាមចាប់អញ្ចឹង​

Anonymous said...

អាយួនអៀ ចាន់ណាស៊ីឈ្នួលល្ខោនកក្តាន់យួនCPP
ចង់ល្បី ត្រូវធ្វើជាអោយអា ហ៊ុន សែន
